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BIM Services in Design Stages


Visualization is obvious with BIM technologies.  During the weekly consultants meeting & design review workshops, Client’s project manager can use the As-Design BIM model to identify and communicate with the consultant teams any engineering and construction issues or present alternative proposals. 


Engineers get used to resolving detail design and construction problems, especially those involving E&M systems, simply because there’s just no effective way to express their ideas on paper. 3D BIM model helps exploit the capability of human eye and brain interaction to fully understand the engineering problems.  In addition, prototyping with BIM software allows engineers to verify their ideas in a fast way.  3D models can often be used for engineering in congested areas: M/E services above office ceiling in general, chiller plant rooms, etc.

Underground and structure design

BIM - Underground - existing UU clash check with lead in pipes
BIM - Underground - check footbridge structure vs UU
BIM - Basement - ELS vs Structure
BIM - Underground drainage pipe - manhole VS pile cap - foundation - ground beam

Car ramp design

BIM - Podium - Car Ramp Design
BIM - Car Ramp Headroom checking 1
BIM - Car Ramp Headroom checking section
BIM - Car Ramp Headroom section 2
Car Ramp Head Room Checking 1

Head room checking

02 Mezz Floor Headroom Checking in 3D view
BIM - Head Room Checking
BIM - Staircase Headroom checking
BIM - Head Room Measurement 1
Head Room Optimization
MEP Headroom clearance checking 1
BIM - Basement - Smoke vent headroom checking

MEP Services design and collision checking

OIE aia
OIE MEP Detail
MEP Collision 3
MEP Collision 2
01 Smoke Vent design in confined space
MEP Collision 1
AC Issue
AC Issue 3
AC Issue 2
BIM - MEP vs Structure Issue 1png
BIM - 3D CBWD checking
BIM - Tower - Pipe works alignment from last typical floor to special unit
BIM - Tower - Pipe works alignment from last typical floor to special unit 2
BIM - Basement - Smoke vent vs MEP
BIM - Fire Services Opening
BIM - MEP Arrangement
BIM - HBR - Machine Room Layout 1

Curtain Wall Design

廣州琶洲南丰匯 1
BIM - Curtain Wall 2
BIM - Curtain Wall 3
BIM - Curtain Wall 4
BIM - Curtain Wall 1

Virtual Mockup - Life-like experience for interior design validation


3D rendering makes it simpler and quicker for architects to attempt different design ideas. Revisions and changes do not take much time. Any change to a design is done in a flexible environment which means changes do not involve having to begin any task from scratch. Numerous design options including landscaping, décor and structural shaping can be tested easily. The architect can thus present a building in the more realistic way possible even before actual construction begins.


The picture shows a 3D rendering of the apartment that was developed in the Detail Design phase of the project. The model was used to communicate the architectural finishes to the Developer and interior design consultant and was extremely useful to create a shared vision of the facility for the occupants of the building. These 3D models / renderings were created during the programming phase and also helped with issues such as the layout of furnitures, space configuration for different functions, walk through inside apartment interactively by driving the mouse of the computer or iPad to provide life-like user experience.

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